

How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce in South Carolina?

How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce in South Carolina?

One of the most common questions we hear at Johnston Law Firm is, “How long will it take to finalize my divorce?” In South Carolina, the timeline for a divorce depends on several factors, but a no-fault divorce requires a mandatory 12-month separation period. In this...

Starting Over After Divorce: Advice from a Family Lawyer

Starting Over After Divorce: Advice from a Family Lawyer

Divorce is one of life’s most challenging transitions, and the fear of starting over can feel overwhelming. However, with the right mindset, support, and guidance, you can navigate these rocky seas and find stability on the other side. In this blog, we’ll discuss...

Divorce for Stay-at-Home Parents: What Are Your Rights?

Divorce for Stay-at-Home Parents: What Are Your Rights?

Divorce can be overwhelming, especially for stay-at-home parents who may worry about financial stability after a marriage ends. If you've dedicated years to raising children and managing the household, you might wonder what you’ll be left with when your spouse seeks a...

What to Expect in a Divorce Lawyer Consultation

What to Expect in a Divorce Lawyer Consultation

Deciding to meet with a divorce lawyer is a significant and often emotional step in the divorce process. Your initial consultation provides an opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask questions, and receive guidance tailored to your unique situation. At Johnston Law...

Should You Hire a Private Investigator for a Divorce?

Should You Hire a Private Investigator for a Divorce?

If you suspect your spouse is cheating, you may be considering whether hiring a private investigator (P.I.) is the right move. Infidelity can play a significant role in divorce cases and certainly marital misconduct is one of the statutory factors the courts consider...

Common Law Marriage in South Carolina

Common Law Marriage in South Carolina

Common law marriage can be a confusing topic, especially for residents of South Carolina. Although the state abolished common law marriage in 2019, couples who entered into such arrangements before the change are still considered married under the law. If you're...

Understanding Child Custody in South Carolina

Understanding Child Custody in South Carolina

When dealing with topics like child custody, it’s essential to understand the laws and guidelines in your state. In South Carolina, child custody arrangements are determined with the best interests of the child in mind. While there isn't a strict standard for...

Parental Rights in South Carolina: What to Know

Parental Rights in South Carolina: What to Know

Parental Rights are never a fun topic, especially when parents were never married or have had a strained relationship.  But it is important to have a firm understanding of the legal landscape in order to make informed decisions. In this blog post will explore various...

Do You Really Need A Divorce Lawyer?

Do You Really Need A Divorce Lawyer?

 in When facing a divorce, the question often arises: "Do I really need a lawyer?" While it might seem tempting to handle the process on your own, especially if the divorce is uncontested, there are numerous factors to consider. In this blog post, we'll explore why...